Itališkas ragu arba Bolonijos padažas

Smulkiai supjaustome apie šimtą gramų rūkytos šoninės. Pakepiname puode, kol išsilydys lašinukai. Suberiame smulkiai pjaustytą didelį svogūną, vieną vidutinio dydžio morką, nedidelį saliero šakelę, keturias-penkias susmulkinto česnako skilteles. Daržoves pakepiname penketą minučių.

Ant viršaus dedame maltą jautieną ir šiek tik paskrudiname. Pilame pusę stiklinės raudono, sauso vyno, stiklinę pomidorų pastos, puse šaukštelio malto Muskato riešuto, stiklinę jautienos sultinio. Pagardiname druska, juodaisiais pipirais. Galima įdėti šiek tiek džiovintos raudonos aštrios paprikos. Viską troškiname uždengę pora valandų, kol padažas pasidarys tirštas.

Likus dešimčiai minučių iki pateikiant, įpilame pusę stiklinės riebaus pieno.

Pateikiame su makaronais, pagardinę petražolėmis.


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1 thought on “Itališkas ragu arba Bolonijos padažas

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      Sorry paspaminsiu, kad pats kit1 kart1 rasčiau 😉

      ‘Classic’ Ragù alla Bolognese

      On October 17, 1982, the Bolognese chapter of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, “after having carried out long and laborious investigations and conducted studies and research”, decreed the following recipe to be the official one for classic ragù alla bolognese. We’re not necessarily convinced of that, but it’s a fantastic recipe nonetheless.

      1 5-oz. piece pancetta, finely chopped
      2 ribs celery, finely chopped
      1 small carrot, finely chopped
      1⁄2 small yellow onion, finely chopped
      3⁄4 lb. ground skirt steak
      1⁄2 cup dry white wine
      1 tbsp. Homemade Tomato Paste
      1 1⁄2 cups milk
      Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper,
      to taste
      2 tbsp. heavy cream
      Homemade Tagliatelle

      1. Put the pancetta into a heavy-bottomed medium pot (preferably terra-cotta) over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until its fat has rendered, about 10 minutes.

      2. Add the celery, carrots, and onions and cook, stirring frequently, until soft and lightly browned, about 15 minutes.

      3. Add the skirt steak and cook, stirring occasionally, until broken up and lightly browned and beginning to sizzle, about 5 minutes. Add the wine to the pot; cook until evaporated, about 4 minutes. In a small bowl, stir together the tomato paste and 2 tbsp. water; add to the pot and stir well to combine. Reduce the heat to low and simmer the sauce, stirring occasionally and adding some of the milk, little by little, until all the milk is added and the sauce is very thick, about 1 1⁄2 hours.

      4. Season the ragù with salt and pepper and stir in the cream. Toss with farfalle, fresh tagliatelle, or the pasta of your choice. Serve with grated parmigiano-reggiano.

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